LL.B Part-IV (05 Years) Program – Annual System
Question Answered according to the Syllabus 2023 Punjab University. (If any errors found by visitor kindly let us know for correction).
LLB 5 Years Part IV The University of the Punjab Syllabus Announced for 2023 and onwards.
LLB Part IV (Cyber Laws) 100 Marks The University of the Punjab Pakistan
Cyber Laws
Course Contents
1. Introduction to Cyber Crimes.
2. Jurisdiction Issues of _____________
c. Cyber Terrorism and Cyberwarfare
4. Offences against Property
a. Fraud
b. Virtual Property
5. Offences against Persons
a. Harassment/adult/minors
b. Blackmailing
c. Stalking Women/Celebrities
d. Unsolicited Messages
Recommended Books by Punjab University of Pakistan:
1. Cyber Laws by Justice Yastindra Singh, , Central Law Agency, 4th Ed. University Law Publishing Co, New Delhi, India.
2. Cyber Crimes & Law by Dr. Vishwanath Paranjape, published, by Central Law Agency,, Allahbad.
3. Cyber Laws, by Justice Yatindra Singh, 3rd Ed. Universal Law Publishing Co. New Dehli.
4. Cyber Law, Text & Cases, Ferrera et al., South Western College Publishing Co., USA.
5. Law on Cyber Crimes (India & Abroad), by D.K.Ganguly published by Dwivedi Law Agency, Allahabad,
6. Contemporary Issues in Cyber Crime and Law edited by Kadema Carter, Arcler Press LLC, United States of America.
7. Jurisprudence of Cyber Laws Edited by Alex Wilson, Koros Press Limitted, UK.8. Cyber Crime and Digital Deviance by Roderick S. Graham and Shawn K. Smith, Routledge, Taylor & Frances Group, New York.
9. Cyber Laws by Justice Yatindra Singh, 6th Ed., Universal Law Publishing, Lexis Nexis, India